Thursday 26 April 2012

Does Curb request for retrial surely Matter? When Selling A Home - You Bet it Does!

Does curb petition honestly matter? You bet it does! When you put your home on the market, it is no longer your "home," but a "product." It has to shine...inside and out! It is said that a first impression is a chronic impression. So what is the first impression of your home? Here is a little "food for thought." A buyer has found your home whether on the internet, in the newspaper, or straight through a licensed real estate professional. The home meets their criteria, nice neighborhood, good schools, right style, upgrades galore, and so on. They eagerly jump in the car and race to see this "dream home." As they pull up in front of the house, the first thing they notice is the weeds and dead foliage from last fall, dingy windows, and a front entrance door from the 70's that screams "paint me!" If you visualized this little scenario, then you have already guessed what happens next. They drive away!

Spray Paint On Cars

There are some easy and not so back-breaking things you can do to stop them from driving away. A little time and effort, and a small allocation can heighten the curb petition dramatically. So much so that buyers will love what they see on the outside, and want to see what is on the Inside! The first successful step to selling your home is to get buyers straight through the front door!

As a expert home stager and redesigner, I have visited many homes that were right down "icky" on the outside, but lovely on the inside. I have compiled a list of some easy fixes and practical advice on curb petition that I pass along to all of my staging clients. Please feel free to take my advice and make those buyers want to see the inside! Now that Spring is just a few days away...its time to get attractive on that curb appeal! Enjoy!

Start by pulling up and cleaning up last fall's leftovers! remove all weeds, flowers, and foliage and make room for the new! As soon as weather permits, add a fresh layer of mulch. Yes! Even before planting anything new. This will "brighten" the flower beds and make a great start for those Easter Lilies, Crocus, Tulips, and other early bloomers. Wash those "winter" windows! Clean and sparkling inside and out should be the rule of thumb on this step! Give your front entrance door a fresh coat of paint. Take a good look at the door hardware such as cope and locks. If they look old and tired...replace them! Don't forget the mailbox! Does it look old and tired? A easy fix is a .00 can of spray paint! How are those house numbers? If you have the stick on kind..consider upgrading to the individual plastic or wooden ones. These look more "high-end." When weather permits, trim the hedges and shrubs. Don't over prune them because you will Kill them. Add a ornamental planter with a colorful Sping flower arrangement. I always suggest 'Yellow" because this is the first color the human eye sees. Last but not permitting, of course, mow, trim and fertilize the lawn. A crisp, lush, meticulously cared for lawn will set the tone for what is behind the front door.

For more facts and home staging tips, please feel free to touch us at the address below. Thanks for reading, and best of luck with selling your home!

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